The man awakes. He sits up. He stands up. He stares. He glances. He smiles. He walks to the door. The man steps outside. He closes his eyes. He listens. He listens some more. And more. He opens his eyes and starts walking. And walking. And walking again. And walking again again. He stops. He observes. He gazes. He adores. He admires. He starts walking again. Walking again. And walking again, again again. He stops. He glances. Strangeness. Familiarity becomes distorted. He looks again. Where is he? How did he get there? Where is there? He starts walking again and again and again and again. He stops. He turns. He is looking. He is looking. Looking at what? He is looking at them. At them. Who is them? Them is you. And who is he? He is John and John is smiling. At you. Where is there? There is here. Here is the stage. The stage of life. The stage of mind. The stage of soul. John stares at you. John smiles. John welcomes you. John walks. John stops. He stares. Stares at you. Into your mind. Into your soul. John expects you to listen. Although you don’t have to listen. But John expects you to listen. He expects you to understand. Understand what is going on. He expects you to gain an insight. An insight into the human mind. John’s mind is an example. An example of this story. An example of depths of humanity. Now John is listening. He is intrigued. And he is smiling. Smiling at you………