I recently has a brainwave about my performance because i felt that it wasn’t going anywhere and the idea was starting to sound either tricky or just very flat!
I’ve done some research on the concept of narcissism and i found out that interestingly, it fits in with psychopathy as new studies have suggested that a narcissistic person has psychopathic traits. Juxtaposed with this, i found an interesting article about how in today’s social media influenced society, the use of selfies are linked to narcissistic behavior. From this point onward, I want to use selfies as a part of my performance and portray the kind of narcissistic behavior that these apparently entail. I have decided to begin experimenting with taking selfies of my own because I want to show the audience and ask the question: how far is too far? For instance, what drives people to take selfies of themselves more than 200 times a day or why would they take one when something out of the ordinary is happening behind them? I intend to find that out…