From the beginning, I decided to experiment with taking photos every single day; usually 50 at a time. This was to get a feel for the whole exterior of the term ‘self’. The image of self is what i intended to understand because the word ‘selfie’ is the cultural term for ‘my own self image’. This sounds slightly philosophical, but we all yearn for a perfect image. Or do we? What I wanted to do was to step into the minds of the people who literally spend all day doing nothing but trying to find the perfect image. This is what leads to narcissistic behavior traits and people don’t literally realize that this happens every day.
This photo is a prime example of how a narcissists’ favorite object is the mirror they stare into. The reflection is what they adore the most and when I first read the poem ‘Echo and Narcissus’ by Ted Hughes, it was a strong exploration into the possession of self reflection. It was one man’s journey into himself and went so far that he lost what he loved most: himself. In the end, I decided to narrow down the amount of selfies I would use in the performance because it felt right that only a select few would be the best choice for the performance narrative.